
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Hans on Fire

 Tittle:Hands on Fire 


I want to SAFELY light my hands on fire.

Before we do this activity safely we need to be aware of the features 

Activity: In pairs you need to come up with a list of 5 safety items  that be included when doing this experiment.

1.Collect your equipment some water into the tray

3.squirt some detergent into the water 

4.put safety glasses on

5.Tie up hair

6.Take off any jewellery

7.wet your hands,wrist and arms.

8.Bubble the gas into water 

9.scoop the bubble but not the water 

10.Hold the bubbles in front of your face with your arms locked.

I saw flames on my hands.

I felt burning hot steam on my hands.

I heard the flames blow and other kids around me.

I smelled fire and gas.

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