
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Folk Tale

This week for reading, I read a Folk tale called The Empty Pot.

A Folk Tale is a story that has been told for generations and has a moral or a lesson in it.

The Empty Pot is a folk tale about telling the truth.

The empty pot is about a young boy named Ping who entered a contest where you have to grow the best flower to become the Emperor of the country. But when Ping was trying to grow his flower, it wouldn't  grow so he tried everything he could. Then a year goes by and Ping was embarrassed because all the kids had nice good and cool one's. So then he just went and told the Emperor that his flower wouldn't grow but the Emperor already knew that the seeds wouldn't because he had cooked them before he gave them to the kids. But how did the other kids grow theirs? Well, they actually brought or used a different seed cause their one's wouldn't grow either. But Ping told the truth and he became the Emperor of China.

Here's a photo

1 comment:

  1. Ka pai Temauria! I am very impressed with your summary of this folk tale. Do you think that you would have been honest like Ping? He was very brave wasn't he? Mrs Hastie


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