
Thursday, November 11, 2021

Uncle Don

Hi today I'm going to show you my work and facts I found about these New Zealand native creatures and birds I hope you like it.

Click The link to see my work Hope you enjoy($_$)

Link to my work  And also if I missed anything please let me know.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

 Hey guys.

In the holiday I hung out with my friends at the park.I enjoyed playing and having fun with my friends because I got to see them and have fun with them.After me playing with my friends at the park for like 3 or so days well the next day I went to the beach with my sisters,brothers and my mum and dad we went to the Sumner beach witch is in Christchurch but before we went to the beach we went and got some pizza,drinks and hot chips.When we got to the beach we had food then we had to rest our tummy's so we can't  get sour tummy's one's we where finished we play around then after all that fun we went back home.The next day I went to the skate-park with my cousins and friends we where doing tale-whips and brie's and it was fun.

Thanks for reading my work I did hope you have a good day.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Hey guys. 

Today I will be sharing my thoughts about the holidays.

S-Social activities:In the school holidays I hung out with my friends at the park

P-Physical:I ran down the road so I could get my rugby ball

I-Intellectual:Talking to Levi.

L-Likes:I enjoyed playing with my friends 

E-Emotional:I felt happy with my friends and tired when we played games like one's where you could run in it.

Harrington Park | Find Christchurch NZMaking friends

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Hokey pokey

 Aim: To make hokey pokey using sugar, golden syrup and baking soda.

When the sugar and golden syrup combine with the baking soda it froths and makes carbon dioxide gas. That is why the hokey pokey has bubbles.

  1. 2 tablespoons Golden Syrup
  2. 4 tablespoons sugar
  3. 1 Heaped teaspoon of baking soda
  4. Pot
  5. Tablespoon and teaspoon
  6. Bunsen burner
  7. Grease proof paper
  1. Put 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of golden syrup in a saucepan and melt.
  2. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes
  3. Add baking soda and stir vigorously. 
  4. Put the hokey pokey on a piece of grease prove paper to to cool.
The more the sugar syrup is cooked the browner it becomes. If it is left cooking for to long your hokey pokey becomes burnt. 


1.Why do we stir it ?

2.Explain why the hokey pokey rises and has bubbles?

3.What gas is made by the baking soda and sugar?

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Henry sunderland

 -Henry Sunderland lives in christchurch. 

-Henry Sunderland has worked as a TVNZ presenter.

-Henry Sunderland has illustrated a number of children's books with his twin brother.

-Henry Sunderland became involved in art education at the secondary level in the late 1980s before joining Ara in 2002.

-He freelancer as a cartoonist, create adviser and guest speaker on creativity.

- Henry has a twin brother.

-Henry has centiface in adult teaching 

-Henrys over 70 years old 

-He is a retired lecturer

-Henry has a diploma in design 

Monday, September 20, 2021


Acid + Alkaline (base) = water and salt

Aim: To look at the pH Scale and neutralise acid and alkaline substances using Univeral Indicator.

Neutralisation Experiment.


  • Universal Indicator

  • 1 M HCl ( Hydrochloric Acid)

  • 1 M NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide)

  • 4 Test tubes

  • Test tube rack

  • 2 plastic pipettes


  1. Take a test tube rack with 1 boiling tube at each end of the rack and 4 test tubes.

  2. Half Fill the boiling tube at one end with Sodium Hydroxide.

  3. Half fill the boiling tube at the other end with Hydrochloric acid.

  4. Fill each test tube with 5 drops of Universal indicator.

  5. Using the pipettes you will add drops of the acid or alkaline to the test tubes to make colours. DO NOT MIX UP THE PIPETTES


To use the acids and alkalines to make the colours of the pH Scale.

Out of the 6 test tubes you should have the order of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet.

Once you have completed this you need to take a photo of your test tube rack and upload it onto your blog.


Make your own copy of the pH scale. On the paper provided make 14 boxes and colour them the correct colours according to the pH scale. Use your test tubes as a guide.

One end is alkaline, one end is acid and Neutral is in the middle at pH7.


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Folk Tale

This week for reading, I read a Folk tale called The Empty Pot.

A Folk Tale is a story that has been told for generations and has a moral or a lesson in it.

The Empty Pot is a folk tale about telling the truth.

The empty pot is about a young boy named Ping who entered a contest where you have to grow the best flower to become the Emperor of the country. But when Ping was trying to grow his flower, it wouldn't  grow so he tried everything he could. Then a year goes by and Ping was embarrassed because all the kids had nice good and cool one's. So then he just went and told the Emperor that his flower wouldn't grow but the Emperor already knew that the seeds wouldn't because he had cooked them before he gave them to the kids. But how did the other kids grow theirs? Well, they actually brought or used a different seed cause their one's wouldn't grow either. But Ping told the truth and he became the Emperor of China.

Here's a photo

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 Hi welcome to my blog.  In today's blog I'm going to tell you about Lisa Carrington who is a canoeist who is in the Olympics. Lisa Carrington is one of the most successful Olympic winners in NZ.

  • 1. Birthday: 23 June 1989.

  • 2. Born: Tauranga, New Zealand.

  • 3. Height: 168cm.

4. Weight: 63kg.

5.  Club: Eastern Bay of Plenty.

6. Lives in: North Shore, Auckland.

7. Whakapapa: Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki and Ngāti Porou descent.

8. Qualifications: BA Studying: for post-graduate diploma in psychology.

Also here's some photo's of Lisa Carrington too.

Thanks for looking at my work that I have been doing this week and have a good day. Bye.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Thursday, August 5, 2021

 Aim:To see witch is the best way to cool down hot chilli taste in your mouth when eating chilli

Hypothesis:I think that by using milk I will be able to remove the hot chilli taste from my mouth.




3.Coca cola 

4. Tasting cup


Method: will work in groups of three for this experiment.Each person in the group will use one of the drinks with the chilli.You will then swap results in your group so that everyone has the same results.

2.Each member of the group needs to have their own tasting cup.This will be used for putting the different liquids in as we cool off the chilli.

Summary and Results 

The milk did not work immediately.After 3 minutes it has a small effect.

The coke had a small effect immediately.Coke had no effect after  3 minutes.

The water did no work immediately.The water did no stop the chilli after 3 minutes.


Milk could be a solution when eating spicy foods-literally.That's because milk helps your mouth handle capsaicin,an oily chemical compound in chilli peppers.capsaicin binds to a receptor in the tougue and creates a burning sensation. ...Casein protein found in milk can also bind to the capsaicin and wash it away.







Thursday, July 29, 2021


1.Samples 1-9

2.Blinfold glasses

3.Recording chart

4.Ice cream stick taster


1.Get safety glasses and make a blindfold.

2.Set up your chart and make sure that the person you are working with knows where to record your responses.

3.Using an ice cream stick you will dip it into the sample.Once the sample is on the stick you will taste it and tell your partner your response.

4.There will be 2 Answers.

5.At least test one you need to hold your nose.

Answer 1.Is it sweet,sour,bitter.Record it.

6.Repeat this for the next samples but you will only need to use your ice cream stick taster for samples 1-4.

Blind taste testing result

Sample number

Sweet, sour, bitter, salty.

I think it is…….

Sample A



Sample B



Sample C


Baking powder

Sample D


Citric acid

Sample E



Sample F



Sample G



Sample H



Sample I


Sour gummy bear

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

My olympic writing.

 I wish I was in the Olympics because it could be my best talent and I could become famous and rich like other Olympic athletes. But the one and the only one I would do is rugby because it's my favorite game I like to play. Also it could be epic watching my family cheer for me like supporting me of what I'm doing and what I have achieved. Being an olympic athlete would be a dream for me because some olympic people's dreams have come true and that's why I want my dream to become true too.I also want to be in mountain cycling to cause I could get fit and get strong by doing things like this in the end.

Thanks for  reading my good work and I hope you have a good day bye.

Thursday, July 8, 2021


Hello blog so today I'm going to tell you about my sport witch was on saturday and we won we vs linwood and after the game we got a warfares  pact it had a mouthguard a ball and a poster of the kiwis I loved and I put it on my wall in my room at home but when we were playing rugby a boys nose was bleeding hard out it was not good at halftime they took him out of the feld and then his nose was fix.After all of that talking I had a big sleep till the next day.

Thanks blog for reading my work and i'll make sure to post more things about my blog.

Monday, June 28, 2021


Hi blog today I'm going to tell you about my learning that Iv'e been learning about.So I have been learning about stop motion and creating a movie witch I made with my friends our stop motion movie is about a man getting up and feeding his dog and it was fun to make me and my friends created the idea before making the movie witch was kind of hard but we did it thats it for today byyee and have a good day.

Monday, June 21, 2021



In coding i created a game for you to play Scan the QR code to play my game.

 1. You wanna push the  run button 2.  Then use your arrow and you will be moving the hand left or right 3. Then the ball will hit the hand and score.   

Thanks for playing my game and I'll make sure to post more of my gaming content by Temauria.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

 Wonder Blog

This week we watched a movie about Bullying and how it hurt a boy called Auggie. He had a big sister called via.

He was picked on because of his face.

When he was wearing a mask on Halloween he heard his friend say If I was auggie I would kill myself.

This made Auggie feel really sad and unhappy.

Here’s a quote from Auggie: “I know I'm not an ordinary ten year old kid.” The themes included Bullying and courage and kindness. 

Hope you like my images too.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


I'm going to talk about the flooding that happen'd in Christchurch and what happen'd with the bridge that happen'd in Ashburton and lets get in to it.

So we all know where it happen'd, but don't now what happen'd but i'm here to talk about it it happen'd at the end of the month. Three was torrential rain in the mountains and on the East Coast of the South Island. It didn't stop. When the rain hit the mountains they become a big pile of water and fell down and wash ed us with floods but the question is, is how to you get to Christchurch to Dunedin. Well you have to go all the way up the East Coast and then off towards Hamner Springs, then on over Lewis Pass to the West Coast before you can come back to the East Coast, south of Ashburton.