
Thursday, July 29, 2021


1.Samples 1-9

2.Blinfold glasses

3.Recording chart

4.Ice cream stick taster


1.Get safety glasses and make a blindfold.

2.Set up your chart and make sure that the person you are working with knows where to record your responses.

3.Using an ice cream stick you will dip it into the sample.Once the sample is on the stick you will taste it and tell your partner your response.

4.There will be 2 Answers.

5.At least test one you need to hold your nose.

Answer 1.Is it sweet,sour,bitter.Record it.

6.Repeat this for the next samples but you will only need to use your ice cream stick taster for samples 1-4.

Blind taste testing result

Sample number

Sweet, sour, bitter, salty.

I think it is…….

Sample A



Sample B



Sample C


Baking powder

Sample D


Citric acid

Sample E



Sample F



Sample G



Sample H



Sample I


Sour gummy bear

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

My olympic writing.

 I wish I was in the Olympics because it could be my best talent and I could become famous and rich like other Olympic athletes. But the one and the only one I would do is rugby because it's my favorite game I like to play. Also it could be epic watching my family cheer for me like supporting me of what I'm doing and what I have achieved. Being an olympic athlete would be a dream for me because some olympic people's dreams have come true and that's why I want my dream to become true too.I also want to be in mountain cycling to cause I could get fit and get strong by doing things like this in the end.

Thanks for  reading my good work and I hope you have a good day bye.

Thursday, July 8, 2021


Hello blog so today I'm going to tell you about my sport witch was on saturday and we won we vs linwood and after the game we got a warfares  pact it had a mouthguard a ball and a poster of the kiwis I loved and I put it on my wall in my room at home but when we were playing rugby a boys nose was bleeding hard out it was not good at halftime they took him out of the feld and then his nose was fix.After all of that talking I had a big sleep till the next day.

Thanks blog for reading my work and i'll make sure to post more things about my blog.