
Monday, June 28, 2021


Hi blog today I'm going to tell you about my learning that Iv'e been learning about.So I have been learning about stop motion and creating a movie witch I made with my friends our stop motion movie is about a man getting up and feeding his dog and it was fun to make me and my friends created the idea before making the movie witch was kind of hard but we did it thats it for today byyee and have a good day.

Monday, June 21, 2021



In coding i created a game for you to play Scan the QR code to play my game.

 1. You wanna push the  run button 2.  Then use your arrow and you will be moving the hand left or right 3. Then the ball will hit the hand and score.   

Thanks for playing my game and I'll make sure to post more of my gaming content by Temauria.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

 Wonder Blog

This week we watched a movie about Bullying and how it hurt a boy called Auggie. He had a big sister called via.

He was picked on because of his face.

When he was wearing a mask on Halloween he heard his friend say If I was auggie I would kill myself.

This made Auggie feel really sad and unhappy.

Here’s a quote from Auggie: “I know I'm not an ordinary ten year old kid.” The themes included Bullying and courage and kindness. 

Hope you like my images too.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


I'm going to talk about the flooding that happen'd in Christchurch and what happen'd with the bridge that happen'd in Ashburton and lets get in to it.

So we all know where it happen'd, but don't now what happen'd but i'm here to talk about it it happen'd at the end of the month. Three was torrential rain in the mountains and on the East Coast of the South Island. It didn't stop. When the rain hit the mountains they become a big pile of water and fell down and wash ed us with floods but the question is, is how to you get to Christchurch to Dunedin. Well you have to go all the way up the East Coast and then off towards Hamner Springs, then on over Lewis Pass to the West Coast before you can come back to the East Coast, south of Ashburton.