
Thursday, May 27, 2021


 We read about a legendary character called Kupe who found his fishing lines were empty because they were covered in slime from an octopus

Main characters in the story are Kupe, his wife Hine-Te-Aparangi and Muturangi the owner of Te Wheke, the giant octopus

Kupe said he would kill Muturangi’s pet, Te Wheke. After that, the following things happened:

Kupe, Hine-Te-Aparangi and their children set off on their waka to go find and kill Te Wheke, They used a fishing line as bait to lure Te Wheke over towards them, but unannounced to their knowledge, Muturangi had already told Te Wheke about their plan and didn’t fall for the bait. Te Wheke then attacked the waka almost throwing everyone into the water, then Te Wheke tried to escape but Kupe set a spell on Te Wheke making the giant octopus unable to dive underneath the water so it was easier for Kupe and his waka to follow the giant octopus.

In the end, two major things happened. Hine-Te-Aparangi saw something unusual. It was Auteroua AND Te Wheke was Killed by Kupe and his Mere.

Thanks for ready my blog and see you next time buy

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