
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Alien VS Monsters

Kia ora blog. 

In today 's blog I will be telling you about our film. Me and my group are making the theme of this film is monsters vs aliens. It will be a showdown on planet doom where the winner takes all the winner will conquer the planet and the loser will be banished from the realm.

Story time/wants upon a time there was a boy named noah that had a friend named teamuria they believed in monsters and aliens but people didn't care.But on one day they woke up on a busy night noah look out of his window so as temauria and there was nobody and it was silent to but there was a sparkling rock outside  By itself in the dark outside on the street then they both went outside and graped and hid it in the basement then went back to sleep like nothing happened.Then the next day they woke up and heard a noes from the basement they thought it was the washing machine but it wasn't it went louder and louder when they reached the  door they opened it and it went silent they were so scared because they thought its was the alien that they images each night in their dream so they went down the stairs so qiat and they saw a big shadow it looked like a monster but they still thought it was an alien there went fourd to it and it was just stachu but the nose was still there it never went away so then the noise was coming to them and so they ran ran up stairs and into the kitchen and got a knife so they can protect themselves from the evil monster or alien then they were never found again nobody new what happened except one guy!!.

kupe and the giant wheke

 We read about a legendary character called Kupe who found his fishing lines were empty because they were covered in slime from an octopus

Main characters in the story are Kupe, his wife Hine-Te-Aparangi and Muturangi the owner of Te Wheke, the giant octopus

Kupe said he would kill Muturangi’s pet, Te Wheke. After that, the following things happened:

Kupe, Hine-Te-Aparangi and their children set off on their waka to go find and kill Te Wheke, They used a fishing line as bait to lure Te Wheke over towards them, but unannounced to their knowledge, Muturangi had already told Te Wheke about their plan and didn’t fall for the bait. Te Wheke then attacked the waka almost throwing everyone into the water, then Te Wheke tried to escape but Kupe set a spell on Te Wheke making the giant octopus unable to dive underneath the water so it was easier for Kupe and his waka to follow the giant octopus.

In the end, two major things happened. Hine-Te-Aparangi saw something unusual. It was Auteroua AND Te Wheke was Killed by Kupe and his Mere.


 We read about a legendary character called Kupe who found his fishing lines were empty because they were covered in slime from an octopus

Main characters in the story are Kupe, his wife Hine-Te-Aparangi and Muturangi the owner of Te Wheke, the giant octopus

Kupe said he would kill Muturangi’s pet, Te Wheke. After that, the following things happened:

Kupe, Hine-Te-Aparangi and their children set off on their waka to go find and kill Te Wheke, They used a fishing line as bait to lure Te Wheke over towards them, but unannounced to their knowledge, Muturangi had already told Te Wheke about their plan and didn’t fall for the bait. Te Wheke then attacked the waka almost throwing everyone into the water, then Te Wheke tried to escape but Kupe set a spell on Te Wheke making the giant octopus unable to dive underneath the water so it was easier for Kupe and his waka to follow the giant octopus.

In the end, two major things happened. Hine-Te-Aparangi saw something unusual. It was Auteroua AND Te Wheke was Killed by Kupe and his Mere.

Thanks for ready my blog and see you next time buy

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Gaming with the boys.

 Kia ora My blog is about Gaming with the boys 

I was playing gta 5 and  Fortnite and we played all night long till 1 pm in the morning and I was tired as well.Then I got junk food like doritos,chocolate and drinks.Then I wen to sleep and stayed a sleep for 2 days straight.Here are some images to illustrate my work.I hope you like them and also my content.Please leave a comment that will hopefully an courage me to continue Blogging and make improvement where necessary Bye.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

That's All she wrote.

 What is the song about/The songs about a phrase meaning the end - it's something you might say after a sporting event has been decided or a party is ending in the song and it also indicates the end of a relationship.

Name members of six60/Chris mac,Matiu Walters,Marlon Gerbes,Eli Paewai,Ji Fraser,Hoani Matenga.

When did band form & where/six60 started there band in 2008 and six60 was formed in Dunedin and there name came from/there street six60 castle street.

I like it when the bells change every week because we can learn them.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Gummy Bear Osimosis


I want to find out what happens to Gummy Bears when we put them into different solutions.




4x Gummy Bears of the colour

2x petri dishes 

paper towels

maker pen


Sugar water

Salt water

Electronic balance


Measuring Cylinder

safety glasses 


1. Get your eqiupment
2.Put on your safety glasses
3.And action.