
Thursday, February 25, 2021

  1. The bunsen burner is lit.Ice is placed in the beaker on the bench. Record its temperature.

  2. Once the ice has thawed, the bunsen burner is set up with the tripod,gauze mat,

            heatproof mat and beaker

  1. The thermometer is placed in the beaker of water.

  2. The findings are recorded on the chart


Time (minutes;seconds)







Ice ( time for ice to melt)

1minute 35 seconds


The Wright brothers Invention.

The Wright brothers.Orville was alive in August 19,1871 and Wilbur was alive in April 16 1867.The wright brothers lived in west Dayton and they invent  the first air plane that can  work really well but it took them a couple of day to make it work.The thing that wasn't successful for them was trying to fly the plan that they invented.The Wright brothers had to face flying to there goal.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

About ukuleles

Hi guys this week I learnt about ukuleles that are so cool but I don't play it  or like it I Don't know why but its ok I stell learn about it but here are some photos of some ukuleles 

Here some different ukuleles that we learnt about.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

 Hi I've been learning about science items that are so cool to look at.

Here is some names of some of them you can fine them on google


2.conical flask

3.measuring cylinder

and that is it bye

About Herorices

Nga tagata - Our Heroes (think of cultural, sporting, political & local heroes)

                                                                      Fantastic work!:-) 

A hero is kind

A hero can fly                                                                                           

A hero sees everything

A hero has a suit

A hero needs food

A hero thinks fast

A hero imagines everything

A hero does fighting

A hero wants to save the world

A hero leads the avengers

A hero follows the leader

A hero moves fast 

A hero opposes  bad people

A hero isn’t bad

A hero helps people

A hero saves our lives

  1. Write 3 words per letter to describe your idea of a  Hero - the words you choose must begin with the letter that is on the line


Helpful, hungry, happy

Energised, eager, 

Respectful,ready, responsible

Outstanding, organised,original 


Special, strong, steady.

This is about heroes that save the world and I've been learning about heroes for a week.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Music is something you  to and make with eneything.

country music and hip hop also other music that i don't know about.

we can fine music on the playstore or on google and you can fined it on computers or tv.

I hope to learn that when im older i can make a song or something.